Marco Antônio Peixoto
1. Introduction
This course was intended for research scientists from the private sector and public institutions interested in learning the foundations of different prediction frameworks considering the integration of multiple omics of information (or layers) with applications in plant and animal breeding. The course will demonstrate the development and utilization of prediction models in plant breeding programs and how to implement these at different stages of the breeding pipeline. The effort was put together by Prof. Diego Jarquin, from Florida University. I was invited to give three topics, as below demonstrated.
2. Topics
Introduction to Genomic selection
- Introduction to BGLR and Genomics model [html]
Bayesian factor analysis and other covariances
- BGLR implementation of different (co)variance structures [html]
Multi-trait multi-environment Bayesian models for Genomic Selection
- Trait simulation via AlphaSimR and MTME models in BGLR [html]
Any questions about the analyses, please, contact me!
Dr. Marco Antonio Peixoto