Marco Antônio Peixoto

1. Introduction

These three classes were conducted as part of the discipline Quantitative Genetics (PCB-6555) taught at the University of Florida in the Fall of 2022. It was taught by Prof. Márcio Resende and Prof. Felipe Ferrão, and I was invited to participate as a Teaching assistant. As part of it, I put some effort together to generate three topics, as below indicated.

2. Classes

Introduction to AlphasimR and response to selection

  • Response to selection / AlphaSimR package [html]

Spatial analyses for breeding programs

  • Implementation of spatial analyses in plant breeding using ASREML package [html]

Introduction to Genomic Selection - GBLUP

  • GBLUP model implemented using ASREML package [html]

Any questions about the analyses, please, contact me!

Dr. Marco Antonio Peixoto